Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Overlay Crochet Stripes

So, yesterday I told you I was excited because I was going to make the stripes for little L.'s sweater. What I did not tell you was that I had a plan for the stripes. I had decided to do the stripes using the overlay crochet technique. Instead of crocheting the stripes as you go, and getting a join when you switch colors, I decided to crochet the entire yoke with the blue single crotchets through the back loops. Once the sweater was finished, I went back and slipped stitched my oatmeal stripes securing them on the single crochet posts. This technique allowed me to make the stripes thin, with a texture contrasting with the background, and only on the front of the sweater. I love the overlay technique!

I finished the overlay work, and the weaving in of the ends just before writing this post. I will take pictures of the finished sweater tomorrow. Hopefully little L. will be willing to model for us!


Sharon said...

What a clever idea and easy, too! Here's hoping little L (and the weather) cooperates.

Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer said...

Thanks Sharon! The overlay stripes are a lot of fun, and so easy to do. I hope the Skye's and the little prince will be nice to me today!