I will be on Jury duty tomorrow. I have never been called upon to serve as a juror, neither in France nor here in the US. I am actually excited about it, as this should be an interesting, and educational experience for me. But before I go, I have a serious problem to solve. Some of you may be wondering whether I am trying to reconcile my experience of the inquisitorial French legal system, with the adversarial American justice system, in order to go to court tomorrow with an open mind, leaving behind this cultural bias. Well, yes I have been thinking about the differences between the 2 legal systems, but there is another pressing question on my mind. What should I bring with me to court? Knitting or Needlepoint, that is the question!

As far as knitting goes, I am one sleeve away from being done with the sweater for R.. Father's day is dangerously close and the sweater though completely inappropriate for the weather would be a really nice present. I could be done by the end of tomorrow, but it is really hot, and I don't know how well air conditioned the courthouse is, the sweater is very bulky and heavy at this point (it does have to cover my 6 foot 3 husband!). Knitting the sleeve is pretty much thoughtless.

As far as needlepoint goes, I am deep in the middle of the Kimono. The project is very portable, and weather friendly. I have even bought a non scissors yarn cutter. I could make quite a lot of progress on it. On the downside, I can't give that to my husband for father's day, though he has been very appreciative of the piece, which means I still have to either knit the sweater or find another present.
I hate having to make these kinds of decisions. I could take both with me, but then again, the courthouse security might find it odd that I am carrying so many bags. And furthermore I would only be postponing the decision. I can just see myself in the waiting room, talking to myself and begging my projects to help me decide! I might have to just use the very old but proven scientific method of "pic et pic et colegram, bour et bour et ratatam, am, stram, gram." (iny, miny,miny, mo)
So here we go, pic et pic et colegram, bour et bour et ratatam, am, stram, gram... Knitt... I'll just do it again to be sure! Pic et pic et colegram, bour et bour et ratatam, am, stram, gram... Needlepoint! It has been SCIENTIFICALLY decided that I will take my needlepoint!!