Thank you all for your thoughts and comments about Miche. I am feeling a little better today, and have been focusing a lot on my work. I got absorbed in creating my colorways for this week, and creating them gave me a lot of joy. I researched antique carpets, embroidery, and tapestries, and feasted on the colors and designs.
All these beautiful works of art became my inspiration for this week's SockPixie colorways, and I hope that you will enjoy them.
Tapestries, and needlework made a big come back in my life this week. I pulled a needlepoint canvas that I had started years ago out of a storage box, and started working on it again, and as it always worked in the past, needlepointing did its magic on me. I find that when I needlepoint, I delight in the colors, in the shapes that appear, and I loose myself in the creative stitchery.
So here is a picture of the needlepoint in question. It represents my favorite street in San Francisco, Lombard Street. (The needlepoint is actually finished, but I do not have a picture of the finished project yet.I have even started a new one, a kimono this time, and I will share that with you later.)
Today, the most beautiful thing happened.My Passion Flower plant, bloomed. Life is marvelous...