Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Dollhouse Full of Adventure!

This morning the light was good, and I felt inspired to take some pictures of the dollhouse. I had originally intended to take simple pictures of the house, but as I started to play with it, rearranging its furniture, choosing the objects I wanted, I felt Barbie, or I should say Eve,  had to be part of the house. Before I knew it, there was a story...

... The year was 1964, in a London apartment, night had fallen... Eve was getting ready for an evening at the opera. Her make up and perfume sat on her bed ready for her...

Eve was quick, maybe even a little quicker that night because she was nervous. She had chosen dramatic make up, giving depth and mystery to her eyes, she put on her pearl earrings, tied her hair up, and placed the flower comb that M. had given her earlier that day...

All she needed now was the rendez-vous point with James at the opera house... She sat on the satin covered couch waiting for the phone to ring...

The phone rang...

It was James. In his suave voice he said only 3 words: " Intermission, main staircase," and then hung up. She stood up slowly, and leaned against the wall rehearsing one last time. She would be standing at the foot of the stairs, she would readjust her comb, and drop it to the floor. James would walk by at the same time, pick it up and substitute her comb for a similar one. That is all she had to do to transfer the microfilms that were hidden in her comb...

She walked over to the couch and absentmindedly touched the soft fur stole...She found the softness reassuring...

She went back to her room to put on her evening gown, but paused one last time. What if she failed?

After putting on her gown, wrapped in the warmth and comfort of her fur stole, she walked back to the living room, and sat on the couch, waiting for her car...


OK, I am done imagining crazy stories for the day! But you know, secretely, I wonder what will happen to Eve. Will she succeed in her mission?!!!