The socks for Mr. SockPixie are growing, and I am hoping to make great progress today.
My Romney Mitts are still awaiting their thumbs. ( I have work to do today!)
I have spent a little bit of time reading about the Shetland sheep. The Shetland sheep as its name indicates is from the Shetland Islands. The Sheltand sheep is part of the Northern European short-tailed breeds.Today's Shetland sheep, is pretty much the same as its early ancestors. The only real difference, is that the sheep are raised on the Shetland islands, and throughout the UK, as well as Canada and the US, which I am sure EZ would object to, as Shetland should only come from the Shetland Islands! What makes the Shetland sheep fiber really attractive is that apart from its silky hand, it comes in an incredible array of natural colors. If you want to knit fair-isle projects from handspun yarn, Shetland fiber is the answer. Or if fair-isle is not your cup of tea, you can just create the most amzing marled yarns by plying different colored singles together!
Just look at these colorful little guys!

I am going to spin a little more Shetland before I try another breed of sheep, because look what I have...
Chocolate and butterschotch... a fair-isle beret perhaps... and why not a couple skeins of marled yarn for another manly project?