Contrary to what one would expect, there is a benefit to insomnia. Now I do not suffer from it often, but the other night, there was a thunderstorm raging outside, and my mind was racing. I quietly tiptoed out of my bedroom, and settled in the living room. I tried to read, but could not focus. My knitting was on the bedside table, and I did not want to bother Mr. SockPixie. So I went to the "school room" (which is where we homeschool)and took some paper and a pencil, and I started sketching... By midnight I had something, a pixie sitting on a mushroom and knitting socks! By chance my embroidery box was in the living room. I took a piece of cotton in a natural tone, picked some brightly colored threads, and started stitching.

A few hours later, as the storm started to abate, I was practically done, and ready for sleep. I put the finishes last night, and here she is now!

Isn't she so SockPixie, bubbly, and colorful? Now what to do with her? My little daughter wants her as a pillow on her bed, and I would like her to become the pretty side of a sock knitting project bag. I will probably make the design available to you as well as a pdf.

Who knew insomnia could lead to so much embroidery fun!