There were many wonderful things, like reading all your lovely comments about the Magic Slippers. Thank you so much for your appreciation. I am very touched.
There were nice things like packing all your yarns, picking the ribbons to close the little clear bags the skeins are shipped in, and walking to the post office to send them to you.
There was sitting in bed thinking of this Sunday's colorways. That was fun, but I will come back to that.
There was designing a new project for yarn walnuts, but that will be the subject of another post.
Then there was that storm. Oh, that storm! It rained torrents. The wind was the maddest I have ever heard. I would have had a great night nonetheless, if it hadn't been for being woken up at 1 am to the music of dripping drops falling through my bedroom ceiling! That crazy wind had teamed up with the torrent to find the smallest gap in the roof. We did not loose our cool. We pulled pots out, set them down in a very strategic fashion considering the hour, and went back to bed. My husband went right back to sleep. I however sat there, counting the drops. "one, two, three..." "Stop it Caroline!" "...225, 226..."
I did not sleep a wink!

The good thing is that I can count and think of colorways at the same time!
I have two passions, knitting, and chintz China. I have over time collected many plates, tea cups, and saucers. The floral patterns delight me, and I am particularly fond of the ones set against colored backgrounds, in particular the ones set against black backgrounds.
I find the contrast dramatic, the colors so vibrant. This is what I have been playing with this week, for my new colorways. I will be posting a preview of this week's colorways tomorrow...
For the time being, Happy Knitting to all!