Sunday, December 16, 2007

The New Colorways are up!

Yeah! The new colorways are up, as well the new cashmere sock yarns. I am really excited about this week's creations as I felt such inspiration. The snowy weather contibuted quite a bit. Look at this yarn! No wonder I called it White Christmas.

And then there were of course, the desire for sunny summer fruits like a Nectarine, with vibrant juicy colors.

There was also the sheer luxury of cashmere. Its beauty so natural, that even the purest semi-solid like Running in the Fields got my mind dancing.

This was a great week, and I can't wait to see what inspirations the coming one brings...


Tracy Batchelder said...

They're all gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, WoolWinder, and Happy Holidays!

Caroline, the SockPixie

Cleo Qc said...

gorgeous. Are those sock wools? My DD would go crazy over the Nectarine one!
Cleo Qc from wtmboards

Anonymous said...

Dear Cleo qc,

Nectarine is a colorway in my 100% machine washable super soft merino.

Thanks for the lovely comments.

Caroline, the SockPixie