Sunday, March 28, 2010

SockPixie, the mother hen...

SockPixie is a mother hen right now, caring for her oldest chick as she is leaving on Tuesday for Paris.
That means a lot of last minute sewing...
So no colorways for this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Ah...ENJOY the need some Mother Hen colorways when you do get back to it. Great Mother Hen pic.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such a good mother hen. I have been both mother hen and grandmother hen this week and, well, love it. Would not trade my pecking duties for anything in the world! ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic

Susan said...

I'm also in the process of being a mother hen, with my 2 sons. They are moving out together this weekend. I won't know what to do this coming week. Oh yes I do! I will have more time to knit and not feel like I'm neglecting someone or something!! I love the picture you posted; I collect hens and roosters.

Sharon said...

Family first, of course. I wish your daughter a safe and enjoyable trip.

And don't forget to pack the calling cards! :)